The International Thespian Society is an honorary organization for high school and middle school theatre students. The Society’s mission is to honor student achievement in the theatre arts. Students earn induction by participating in an affiliated school’s theatre program and accumulating points based on the quality and quantity of their work in theatre.
APA Thespian Troupe 5738 was chartered in October, 1997 and there are currently 13 active members. ALL current APA students can join APA Thespian Troupe 5738 if they meet the criteria to be invited and inducted.
Criteria for Induction
Applicants need to have accumulated at least 20 points at their home school to be invited to join (worked on at least 4 main stage shows, 8 second stage shows OR a combo of the 2). Dance and music showcases do not count for points (for example Synergy, Creative Forces, MMET showcases, Fanfare etc do not count). Points are awarded for work in plays and musicals as explained in the Thespian Point System sheet. Once a student is officially invited, they fill out a small form provided and submit the $35 one-time fee (check payable to APA Theatre Guild or via Venmo).
Use the ITS Induction Points Log to document work. To get started, complete the log with all student work while at APA/HBHS or home school and email back to auntiebobo@live.com for review - once the points are confirmed, you will receive an email with the official invitation/form to join the Troupe, which students complete and drop off at APA office with $35 - easy!
Work from middle school can be included, but only a maximum of 5pts can be counted toward induction through participation in middle school, community, children’s, or professional theatre; or in other performing arts activities.
Thespian Membership
Members may continue to earn points for theatre participation outside of APA. Keep in mind, one Thespian point represents approximately ten hours of quality work. Use this formula to award points for duties that aren’t listed on the Thespian Point System sheet. Students maintain their own log and add work as it is completed until graduation. Use the Thespian Point Log before each annual Theatre Guild year end banquet. Thespian students are recognized at this banquet (senior cords, awards, medallions etc).
Members receive a membership card, a Thespian pin, a one-year digital subscription to Dramatics magazine (includes info on college programs for acting, tech, costume, directing, and writing), and a certificate. The troupe will maintain the certificate by adding all earned stars and honor bars each year, and the completed certificate will be awarded at the end of senior year.
Induction into the International Thespian Society is a lifetime membership; however, the active benefits only last through high school graduation for members. Thespians who have graduated from high school become Thespian alums. They become inactive members of the troupe and ITS.
Why Join?
Recognition from an international honor society lends additional stature to student honors (college applications and resumes) and the program as a whole in the eyes of the school, community, and colleges.
Senior President: Izzy Vosper
Responsible for all troupe communications and oversight including regularly reviewing officer duties described in the troupe constitution and bylaws, setting officer board and troupe meeting agendas, presiding at all officer board and troupe meetings, appointing all standing and special committees, and directing and supervising troupe activities.
Verifies membership by checking Thespian point logs before induction and verifying event attendance records before awarding Honor Thespian status.
Signs, when appropriate, all official induction certificates, proclamations, thank you letters, and written correspondence.
Manages all troupe digital and social media communications as well as communicating with administration, State and International Thespian Officers, boosters, school board members, media outlets, legislators, donors, and other stakeholders related to troupe activities.
Includes and mentors the Junior President in all of their duties, preparing them for their term as Senior President the following year.
Junior President: Vacant
Presides in the absence of the Senior President and fulfils all of their duties described in the troupe constitution and bylaws.
Responsible for maintaining a culture of inclusiveness in the troupe.
Chairs the board committees that organize, setup, and tear down troupe-based events.
Distributes and collects induction applications and fees in time of the Troupe Director’s deadline to process the information and pay new member dues.
Secretary: Vacant
Keeps accurate records, motions, vote results, and discussion topics at board and troupe meetings, publishing minutes to the troupe Google Drive folder.
Attends to physical troupe records, materials, and honor items, providing them as needed at troupe meetings and events and putting them away.
Maintains organization of point logs, induction certificates, and event sign-in sheets.
Works with the Senior President to give the Troupe Director a shopping list of honor items including stars, bars, and honor cords in time for the final troupe meeting of the year, Senior Showcase, and commencement ceremonies.
May serve on any of the event committees
Treasurer: Vacant
Serves as the troupe business manager, assisting the Troupe Director with the business of Thespian trips, off-campus events, Regional Individual Events, and State Festival.
Helps the Troupe Director count money, write deposit slips, facilitate fundraising materials, gear sales, and other troupe business-oriented tasks as they arise.
Helps drive participation in off-campus events and works with the Troupe Director to facilitate permission slips, payments, and bus attendance on the day of trips and events.
Tech Liaison: Vacant
The Tech Liaison assists the Secretary as well as coordinates with the Troupe Director, board, and other tech leaders in the troupe to make sure tech students are up to date about events, included in communications, and invited to participate in troupe and show-related activities. The Tech Liaison will increase tech student participation in inductions and events.